Okay, so Ms. Fit finally managed to get me to dine at her favorite restaurant (Sheetz gas station). I've been holding off for as long as I could, but the time had come. I did manage (during my hold-out) to get Ms. Fit and the entire Team Fit to delve into the world of organics and veganism too though (not fully, mind you, but at least to try some of the cuisine on the 'light' side). The recently acquired Mr. Fit is the real holdout now, Ms. Fit, and Mrs. Fit have both admitted that they like what they have tried so far (especially Mrs. Fit... her and my Alter Ego have even started shopping in our grocery stores)
Okay, so after saying time and again:
I can't eat at a gas station.
I broke down and ate at a gas station. It pains me (to some degree) to say this, but it was actually good.
I know, you are skeptical, so was I, but it was above even Jared and his Subway in quality, as well as menu diversity. Here is the play by play of the evening, it will be like you are on the date with us (I call it a date simply because MVG and I like to fuel rumors about ourselves - just for fun).
So, I left work (and I'm going to take a slight tangent here since I've put in a gas pump and all) and walked the DeeOhGee (Dog for those of you who can't spell), then fed both animals. Peptide (as always) was feigning starvation. I left home to go pick up Ms. Fit in the micro-mobile, stopping en route to fill up with gas. At this time, it was at $2.59/gallon for low-grade (we use premium at $2.79/gallon)...
time warpto do a slight time-warp here, it was $2.99/gallon for low-grade when the date ended... end of time warp.
Okay, back to 'the date'. I picked up Ms. Fit, then we went to Sheetz. It was very exciting. First, we perused the aisles – Twinkees, Ding-Dongs, donuts, the works. The coolers were bubbling with liquid HFCS (a.k.a. Soft drinks)... To the computer (yes, you order via a computer, no talking to any humans here). It was VERY sophisticated. I (slowly) ordered a 6” veggie on whole wheat with a TON of veggies... supplemented with a hot pretzel. Ms. Fit's fingers danced across the screen as she ordered a veggie wrap (good choice in my opinion). We then ate at the pic-nic tables in the parking lot watching people pump gas. Survey says:
- Food Quality – High
- Company Quality - High
- Humor Content - High
- over all - two thumbs up
From Sheetz, to the Trek store. We drooled over the new bikes (Ms. Fit would like a cyclo-cross bike), then went shopping at 'The Mall'. I picked up two shirts (with the help of my fashion advisor - Ms. Fit).From there, we went to Starbucks for two Grande Soy Mochas (no whip), enjoyed some nice conversation, then Ms. Fit returned to her home, and I returned home to once again care for les animaux, talk to MVG on the phone, then retire to bed. Two more daze until MVG is home.
Until the next time, au revoir.
P.S. In previous posts, Ms. Fit was referred to as 'personal trainer'. This was an error, it contains too many letters, thus the new reference is 'Ms. Fit' since it has many fewer letters, and with the rising cost of gas, we don't want to overuse letters (it increases server load, which in turn makes air conditioners work harder, using more gas, and increasing the cost of 'The Internet').
P.P.S Mrs. Fit and Mr. Fit are not married to one another, Mrs. Fit is married to my Alter Ego, Ms. Fit is dating Atom.