Day 1: Climbing, Descents, Emergency Braking, Rough Roads
So the schedule started with us riding along a trail, with a few stops for instruction (pedal practice, balance, and how to climb), then we got continued to a few climbs (although, they wouldn't be considered climbs in Western PA... more like flats). Anyway, after a brief break for an apricot square at the Williamstown General Store, we got to the Emergency Braking... This is where Day 1 got really interesting.
Emergency braking -> Emergency Room

The idea was, we climb a very short hill (probably about a 4% grade), then go down the hill to where the coach was standing to perform an emergency stop (grab the brakes, but don't lock up). This worked for MVG the first time down (although, she was not in the 'drops' of the handlebars), so the next time, she moved to the proper position and went off down the hill... pull... no, too much brake!. MVG launched herself over the handlebars (I think the pedals disengaged at this point) and landed 1) on her head, 2) on her shoulder and then 3) on her back. Thankfully she was wearing a helmet (destroyed by the crash) and a Camelbak (took the brunt of the back impacts).

To the hospital
So, this was a day of firsts. MVG's first ride in an ambulance, her first time on a backboard, her first time getting stiches, and our first experience with health care in the US (aside from the annual check-ups). We were pretty impressed with the care... one of our new friends accompanied us in the ambulance (turns out she's an ER doc... so we'll call her 'Doc') for moral support (and to translate for us). She was great - and a great comfort to MVG and myself. We got out of the hospital at about 2:00pm, would have been earlier, but the guy in the next bed had the nerve to stop breathing to get some attention, so the staff rushed over to help him instead of the important stiches to MVG's ear.
Well, that about says it for day 1 of Noho... more later on day 2 and 3.
1 comment:
OUCH! Gigantor welcomes VG back from the Big Tuna.
Gigantor gives MVG a kiss on the ear (virtually of course!) I hope your are feeling better because that "boo-boo" is a bad one. I am in the great mid-west enjoying pizza and some quality beers at the blues festival in Chicago!
Thanks for your support as I continue to skip from project-to-project!
Congrats on the big move...and yes that is typical Pittsburgh. "Let's not worry about the infrastructure and cosmopolitan living...let's focus on developing the suburbs and let someone else pay for developing the city!" Sewickley isn't bad but it is a pain in the neck to leave Moon and then go to the 'Burgh and then back to Sewickley. It just seems like a cruel joke! Hopefully the stint isn't too long. P.S. is there a way to reset my password on this thing?
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